Total Medals Earned: 93 (From 17 different games.) Total Medal Score: 705 Points
Medals Earned: 1/7 (5/295 points)
Start The Game
Get Defeated by a Nerd
Defeat Jack
Defeat Luis
Defeat ninjamuffin99
Defeat Tom Fulp
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 1/25 (5/485 points)
Play 360 Degrees.
Collect SKATE.
Collect COMBO.
Knock over all 10 garbage cans.
Squash all 5 birds.
Overload the water system.
Find the Secret Tape
Flip 3 times in the air.
Survive a whole minute after the timer ends.
Finish with more than 5k points.
Finish with more than 20k points.
Finish with more than 75k points.
Finish with more than 125k points.
Finish with more than 300k points.
Finish with more than 500k points.
Finish with more than 1M points.
Finish with more than 2M points.
Finish with more than 5M points.
Finish with more than 10M points.
Complete two goals at once.
Complete three goals at once.
Complete four goals at once.
Complete five goals at once.
Complete all six goals at once.
Medals Earned: 1/1 (5/5 points)
Browse the entire gallery.
Medals Earned: 2/3 (30/40 points)
Start the game
Funk on a Friday (real time)
Beat Week 1 in Story mode and unlock Week 2
Medals Earned: 4/49 (25/635 points)
Pull Sato
Pull Lemon Boy
Slay a slime
Slay a pink slime
Pull Steve
Pull Bunny Boy
Pull Rookie Ross
Pull Sally
Pull Faldor Orangebeard
Pull Herman
Pull Kelly
Get Marvin
Pull Trader Bob
Pull Ryan
Pull Castle Guard
Pull Officer Jim
Pull Nina
Pull Raavek
Pull Fish
Pull Helen
Pull Sir Ribbit
Pull King Harold
Pull Queen Eve
Pull Bigfoot
Pull Yeti
Pull Moai
Pull Tina
Pull Sierra Mix
Pull Squidly
Pull Floridian Man
Pull Pit the Duck
Pull A Very Handsome Fella
Pull Mentor Lance
Pull Axolotl Wizard
Slay a dunkie
Slay an iced dunkie
Slay a rat
Slay an albino rat
Slay a red mushroom
Slay a mushroom
Slay a lobster
Slay a blue lobster
Pull 30 times in one run
Pull 100 times total
Get 10 followers at once
Pay your rent 30 times total
Pay a rent of 100,000
Lose 100 gacha friends
Get Evicted 3 times
Medals Earned: 1/3 (5/20 points)
get wormpilled
Reach a depth of 1000m
Eat 100 gems in a row without stopping or hitting tnt
Medals Earned: 10/13 (50/115 points)
Load the game
defeat the woman 10 times
defeat the woman with covfefe
play computer with the woman
Cool the woman down a bit with the fan
press play on the main menu
Punch the woman in the head
stab woman
shoot woman, you fucking freak
put away important documents with the woman
defeat the woman 1000 times
defeat the woman 100 times
Watch all animations
Medals Earned: 1/18 (5/360 points)
Begin the game.
Complete the tutorial.
Clear floor 1.
Clear floor 2.
Clear floor 3.
Clear floor 4.
Clear floor 5.
Clear floor 6.
Clear floor 7.
Clear floor 8.
Destroy the Rob Boss.
Clear floor 10.
Clear floor 12.
Clear floor 14.
Unleash fever mode 20+ times.
Fail to cast a spell 100+ times.
Medals Earned: 1/28 (5/500 points)
Play Pengu Saves Christmas!
Beat all 12 levels and save Christmas!
Find and bring 1 star to the exit.
Find and bring 3 stars to the exit.
Find and bring 6 stars to the exit.
Find and bring 9 stars to the exit.
Find and bring every star to the exit.
( o ) v ( o )
Eat 80+ treats in a single level.
Finish a level with 0 treats.
Beat a level in less than 10 seconds.
Achieve a stupid amount of horizontal speed.
Beat a level without sliding once.
Don't touch the ground for three seconds.
Die 10 times on a single level.
Medals Earned: 2/3 (125/150 points)
Kill Peter
Kill Peter Without Missing